It’s not a Sports Injury- Arthritis Symptoms

One of the concerns frequently raised by those suffering from what could be arthritis symptoms is that the signs are far too similar to the symptoms commonly associated with a sports injury. How do you know the difference? The first step consists in determining what caused the arthritis symptoms to erupt. Ask yourself the following questions for instance:

  • Did it happen all of a sudden?
  • Have you recently engaged in strenuous activities?
  • Do the arthritis symptoms, particularly the pain, intensify later in the day?
  • Do you experience stiffness and general discomfort around the joints even while resting?

Answering all of the above questions will help you determine what caused these arthritis symptoms to occur in the first place. Some people take the first action by “doctoring” themselves, taking over the counter pain killers, rubbing on arthritis creams, applying ice packs, using heating pads, and the like. But self-treatment is strongly discouraged upon since there’s a higher chance that a patient may wait too long before consulting a doctor.